“Trois ProblÈMes PosÉS Par Le Texte MassorÉTique De Ez. 7,11B Et 19,9”. Textus, 15, Pp. 1-25.
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“The Alpha Text Of The Greek Esther”. Textus, 15, Pp. 27-54.
. 1990. “A Puzzling Masoretic Note In Joshua 21:35”. Textus, 15, Pp. 77-83.
. 1990. “QerÉ-Ketiv Et Massora Magna Dans Le Manuscrit B19A”. Textus, 15, Pp. 85-118.
. 1990. “Vocabulary For Wrongdoing And Forgiveness In The Greek Translations Of Job”. Textus, 15, Pp. 119-130.
. 1990. “Aquila'S Koheleth”. Textus, 15, Pp. 131-139.
. 1990. “The Cities In Joshua 21 : The Contribution Of Textual Criticism”. Textus, 15, Pp. 141-152.
. 1990. “Recensions, Revision, Rabbinics : Dominique BarthÉLemy And Early Developments In The Greek Traditions”. Textus, 15, Pp. 153-167.
. 1990. “Problems And Perspectives In Modern Septuagint Research”. Textus, 15, Pp. 169-232.
. 1990. “The Palaeography Of 4Qjer : A Comparative Study.”. Textus, 15, Pp. 233-268.
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